My achy breaky, scary blues

10 June 2012.



So how are you all again my fellow scarefesters? My humblest apologies for it being 5 days since the last blog but I have been somewhat incapacitated with probably the bain of all souls over aching, troublesome back. It may just be down to my constant, regular cycling to and from my mundane job day after day, month after month, year after year. Or it may be simply be because me and my wife are in the process of moving house and methinks I may have overstretched myself with the delicate packing of a few cumbersome boxes. I've had the odd twinge for years so these are any other shenanigans usually make it ache but this has to be the most painfully troublesome twinge to date. No need to worry we are not yet moving for a few more weeks and i will continue to enthrall you no matter what and update you as we go. I shall not elaborate to you the finer details but it did give me an opportunity to lie down, rest and work with the most gracious of word-processors ever invented...the humble bic ballpoint. Still aching but rested I present to you - as promised last week - for your distasteful pleasure one fully story of mine. I shall be dividing this into 3 parts, hereby hoping that it will stir your innards and fuel those adrenaline glands to full thrust, giving you just enough wanton verocity that you may return for the next instalment.


I shall blog again in a couple of days along with my next instalment. Keep reading, keep scared and please by all means feel free to leave me any comments whatsoever on my guestbook, or give me feedback.


A special thanks to all who have commented so far and signed my guestbook. Really love your comments and I’m touched and humbled that you’re all enjoying my work and in return I will thrill you ever so much more over the coming weeks and months.


Until next time;

Think happy, dark thoughts...and enjoy.
